Planning the Studies

  • Course Enrolment

    Our students enroll for all courses in Peppi. Please note that Practical Training as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s Thesis are their own courses to which enrolment is also needed. Enrolment is important because without it the course cannot be completed!

    The personal study plan (PSP) is a service that allows students to plan and schedule their studies and also follow the progress of their studies. The enrolment for the courses are also made through PSP.

    You can see the enrolment schedules by clicking on the lessons in the schedule tool. When the enrolment is open, you will see all the courses you could enrol on according to your study plan. To search for more courses with an ongoing enrolment period, select the + icon.

    You can find the instructions for enrolment in the student's Peppi guidelines.

  • Personal Study Plan (PSP)

    Student’s PSP Path


    Career counselling
    (Career Planning Tool)

    PSP discussion with the Tutor Teacher

    Discussing a possible need for special support with the Campus Study Counsellors

    Opportunity for recognising and accrediting learning (HOT)

    Committing to the studies and understanding their content
    Updating PSP (a status review: where am I now, and what next?)
    Updating PSP (a status review: where am I now, and what next?)

    Planning the shift into working life and postgraduate studies


    Learning and studying councelling
    Career planning and professional growth counselling
    Supporting personal growth and wellbeing

    The personal study plan (PSP) is your own plan how you are going to complete the degree. The Head of Studies will accredit studies according to the student’s personal study plan within the limits of learning acquirements for the degree, scope of the degree and resources of the Educational Department. In addition, your Tutor Teacher and Campus Study Counsellors are able to accept your personal study plan in certain cases.

    You are able to design your personal study plan in Peppi. The curriculum of your study programme determines the frame of your studies. In the framework of degree objectives you can take such a degree as you want and select courses that interest you and support your development of expertise. You can select for example studies from You are able to apply recognition and accreditation of learning (HOT).

    Follow the implementation of your plan regularly. You can update your PSP when your studies proceed and your career plan is specified. For example, a year as an exchange student or matters, which take place in your personal life can affect your plan.

    You can get guidance for PSP from your Tutor Teacher, Head of Studies or Campus Study Counsellor.

  • Sports Career and Studying

    Oulu University of Applied Sciences is part of the Sports Academy of Oulu (OSUA), a collaboration network that helps combine studying and a sports careers. The athletes are provided support with their studies with the help of personal study plans. The Academy of Sport is meant for students who compete at or who aim towards Finnish Championship level in their age group.

    Read more about OSUA » (in Finnish)

  • Asian Studies Programme

    MOOC-courses on Asia / University Network for Asian Studies

    University Network for Asian Studies will organize MOOC courses, that the degree and exchange students of Oamk are able to complete free of charge.

    In the academic year 2023 – 2024 MOOC courses will be offered as follows:

      • Johdatus Itä-Aasiaan (3 cr) 2.10. - 17.12.2023, language of instruction Finnish
      • Johdatus Kaakkois-Aasiaan (3 cr) 2.10. - 17.12.2023,  language of instruction Finnish
      • Johdatus Etelä-Aasiaan (3 cr) 5.2. - 5.5.2024, language of instruction Finnish
      • Introduction to Business in East and Southeast Asia (3 cr), 8.1. - 7.4.2023, language of instruction English

    How to take MOOC courses – Asianet

    The courses are based on textbooks, and they contain various assignments such as quizzes, summaries and peer reviews. The courses can be taken independently in the DigiCampus-learning environment during the course periods. Students who complete the courses successfully, will get a certificate.

    If you would like to have Asian Studies included in your degree at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, please be in contact with the Head of your Degree Programme.

    In addition to these free of charge courses, other online courses on Asia are available against payment.

    You can apply for the non-MOOC courses through the course registration of the Asian studies network (3 times a year before the beginning of the semester) and pay the study fee of a separate right student 250 €, that entitles you to complete 25 credits of Asian studies.

    Further information on Asian Studies

    The Centre for East-Asia of the Universi of Turku (CEAS) offers also the following China courses:

    • Introduction to Chinese Politics and Society: First course start in January 15, 2024 (More information)
    • Introduction to EU-China Relations: First course start in February 12, 2024 (More information)

    You can register to all MOOC courses of Asianet and CEAS here:


  • Circumpolar Studies

    The Circumpolar Studies program of the University of the Arctic (UArctic) is an exciting way for students attending University of the Arctic member institutions to learn about the North, with courses held online and around the world in other UArctic member institutions.

    The Circumpolar Studies program gives students the opportunity to learn about the lands, peoples, and issues of the circumpolar world and prepares them for advanced study or professional employment e.g. in fields of sustainable resource management, self-government, Arctic engineering, and northern tourism. Special emphasis is given to matters concerning Indigenous people of the Circumpolar North. The Circumpolar Studies program consists of a single introductory course and six advanced courses in three interdisciplinary fields of study. Together, the core enables students to gain a broad knowledge and understanding of the lands, peoples, and critical issues of the circumpolar world.

    Students of Oulu University of Applied Sciences can include Circumpolar Studies in free-choice studies, or upon agreement with the Head of Studies they can supplement the degree completed here, or studies can also compensate studies of the curriculum of student's degree programme. Students completing Circumpolar Studies have a priority when selecting students to the north2north student mobility programme which gives them a chance to complete part of their studies onsite in another north2north member institution.

    More information on Circumpolar Studies can be found on University of the Arctic's Circumpolar Studies site. Studies are free of charge for the students of UArctic's member institutions. Students must register for the studies to the UArctic International Academic Offce in Canada. If you are interested in taking courses from the Circumpolar Studies, please contact Oulu University of Applied Sciences north2north-coordinator Satu Lohiniva ().