Timetables and Graduation

The academic year 2023–2024 consists of three semesters:
-    Summer semester 1.6.–31.8.2023
-    Fall semester 1.9.–21.12.2023
-    Spring semester 2.1.–31.5.2024

The School of Professional Teacher Education is closed in July.
During the academic year there are breaks when the regular staff is not available.  During these breaks visiting teachers often run their optional study courses.

Graduating and certificate
Graduating from the School of Professional Teacher Education is a flexible year-round service. You will have to apply for the course completion certificate via Peppi .

The certificate will be sent in three weeks or less after the receipt of the application. After graduation the student can join the Alumni Association of the School of Professional Teacher Education. 

Please, note:
After completion of the professional teacher education your OUAS user accounts and related IDs and passwords will no longer be valid.  It is advisable to save your personal learning assignments and other materials from the various learning platforms such as Moodle, Google, Office365 or Optima to your own drives or devices.   

Becoming Alumni
After having completed your teacher education, you can stay in contact with us by becoming an alumnus / alumna of the School of Professional Teacher Education.  The alumni are entitled to make use of the further education selection at the School of Professional Teacher Education. Being an alumnus/alumna helps you to network and find contacts. If you are interested in, please contact to amok(at)oamk.fi or + 358 29 448 9220