
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information


1P00BA77 Working in an International Environment (3 cr)
Prerequisites To participate in the course, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:
a. a lengthy period working abroad (at least three months), or
b. a lengthy period spent in a multicultural work environment in Finland where the language used was not your mother language, or
c. the student is an immigrant, or
d. the student has been in an international exchange period (min. three months).
Objectives You recognise the effect of international experience on your professional development.
You understand the effect of working in an international environment on a teacher's work.
You present justifiable viewpoints on building a good learning environment for a multicultural group of students by referring to the sources.
Content Core contents:
1. My experiences in international activities
2. Similar activities within the Finnish culture
3. The similarities and differences in operative cultures
4. Adjusting to cultures / learning from them
5. What new have I learned about the Finnish (or my own) culture?
6. How did I feel about settling back in Finland (or my native country) after a period abroad?
7. How do I view people from other cultures at work or leisure time?
8. What instruction would I give myself about being a multicultural group teacher?
9. What have I learned about myself, and how has my identity changed after the international experience?
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods You become acquainted or have been acquainted with another country's culture (by living or visiting).
You explore the similarities and differences between cultures and analyse the significance of teachers' work experiences.

An in-depth reflective essay based on your experiences and references.

A written plan (1 x A4) where you describe your activities in the international community to show the focus.

Learning Task:
When the pre-task has been accepted, the learning task will be written directed by nine core contents weighting the content no: 8.
Execution methods Not applicable
Materials Recommended references:
1. Banks, J. A. 2006. Cultural diversity and education. Foundations, curriculum, and teaching. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
2. Bennett, J.M. & Bennett, M.J. 2003. Developing intercultural sensitivity.
Landis, D., Bennett, J., Bennett, M. (ed.). Handbook of Intercultural Training, p. 147-156.
3. De Jong, L., Meirink, J. & Admiraal, W. 2019. “School-based teacher collaboration: Different learning opportunities across various contexts.” Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol. 86, doi:
4. Freire, J. A., & Valdez, V. E. 2021. The Holistic Analysis of Multicultural Teaching Framework: Capturing Teachers’ Pauses and Their Hybrid and Fluid Multicultural Practices. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 23.
5. Hutchinson-Reis, M. 2010. We understand the words but we just don´t get the joke. In M. Rantala (ed.) Maahanmuuttajat ja ammatillisen osaamisen moninaisuus, 89-96.
6. Khan, S.R., Benda, T., & Stagnaro, M.N. 2012. Stereotyping From the Perspective of Perceivers and Targets. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 5(1).
7. Lasonen, Johanna. 2005. Reflections of Interculturality over the Relation of Education and Work. Manuscript for the Journal of Higher Education Policy
8. Pitkänen, P. 2005. A Philosophical basis for Multicultural Counseling. In Launikari, M. & Puukari, S. (eds.) Multicultural Guidance and Counseling. Theoretical Foundations and Best Practices in Europe. Jyväskylä: Centre for International Mobility CIMO and Institute for Educational Research, 137-150.
9. Rantala, M. (toim.) 2010. Maahanmuuttajat ja ammatillisen osaamisen moninaisuus. Helsinki: Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulu.
10. Rothbaum, F., & Trommsdorff, G. 2007. Do Roots and Wings Complement or Oppose One Another? The Socialization of Relatedness and Autonomy in Cultural Context. Teoksessa J.E. Grusec & P. Hastings, The handbook of socialization, s. 461-489. New York: The Guildford Press. Retrieved from
11. Sue, D.W. & Sue D. 2003. Counseling the Culturally Diverse.Theory and Practice. New York: Wiley.
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria Approved/Failed
Evaluation Criteria


The course has been accepted when the learning objectives have been achieved.
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information To participate in the course, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:
a. a lengthy period working abroad (at least three months), or
b. a lengthy period spent in a multicultural work environment in Finland where the language used was not your mother language, or
c. the student is an immigrant, or
d. the student has been in an international exchange period (min. three months).

Course can be studied in Finnish or in English.
The responsible teacher is Mr. Esa Virkkula.
Responsible persons Not applicable
Links Not applicable


Show old implementations
  • 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2024 (1P00BA77-3019 | OPE20, OPE23, OPE22, OPE21)
  • 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2024 (1P00BA77-3018 | OPE23pte, VAI23S24K, OPE22pte, OPE21pte, EXP23SPTE, EXP24KPTE)
  • 01.06.2024 - 31.05.2025 (1P00BA77-3021 | OPE24pte, OPE23pte, OPE22pte, OPE24, OPE23, OPE22)
27.7.2024 08:21:19