
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information


1P00BA45 Student Assessment as Part of Educational Practices (3 cr)
Prerequisites -
Objectives Competence goal:
The student understands the rules and practices that determine student assessment.

Assessment criteria:
The student describes the key aspects of competence-based learning supporting student assessment.
The student examines the aspects of student assessment with reference to practical examples and theoretical background.
- The course has been accepted when the learning objectives have been achieved.
Content Aquarium exam questions

1. Which factors regulate student assessment in upper secondary vocational or higher education?
2. What is the effect of working life cooperation (between companies & education) on student learning?
3. What kind of competence a teacher needs for working life cooperation?
4. How would you implement working life cooperation?
5. Which factors form the concept of student assessment?
6. What means criteria-based student assessment?
7. How would you confirm that the students understand course objectives and assessment criteria?
8. How should the principles about student assessment be dealt with with the students?
9. What is the role of self-assessment in the students learning process?
10. How the student's competence will be recognised and validated?
11. What is the distinction between assessment for learning (formative assessment) and assessment of learning (summative assessment)?
12. How do you implement student peer assessment?
13. How the student assessment is documented?
14. How the student assessment can be corrected?
15. How would you develop the student assessment system?
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods Competence is demonstrated by an aquarium exam. You first develop your knowledge in student assessment by familiarising yourself with the course literature and preparing the answers to the 15 questions of the exam.
They have been drafted so that an acceptable answer always requires examining theoretical knowledge and practical examples.

When you have answered all questions, send an SMS (text message) exam request to the responsible teacher. The SMS must be sent at least 24 hours before the requested time.
The aquarium exam's four questions will be sent to you by text message. You will return the exam responses to the teacher's email within two hours of the exam's start.
Execution methods 1. Prepare the answers to all questions of the aquarium exam (15 in total). In the preparation, you must use the source literature mentioned in the "study materials" section and/or other reliable source material of your choice.
The sources used are noted in the text and listed at the end of each answer.

2. When you have prepared for the task (and have answers to all the requisite questions), send a text message to enrol to the teacher's phone at least 24 hours before the desired starting time.

A) Specify the date and time when you want to start the examination.
B) Mention the name of the study module.
C) Include your name and email.

2. Preferably choose the office time (Mon to Fri from 9 am to 5 pm) as the exam time. Ask the teacher about the possibility of summer exams. When the time suggested by the student (and approved by the teacher) comes, the number of the actual (four) questions will be sent to the student's phone.

3. You have exactly two hours to email the answers to the teacher.

4. The teacher then proceeds to check the answers.

It is especially important to remember that copying answers directly from the source or an answer given by artificial intelligence (AI – ChatGPT or similar) does not demonstrate knowledge of the subject. So do not copy under any circumstances but discuss the matter with reference to sources and your experiences. Remember to attach source references to the text part of each answer and a list of used sources at the end!
Materials Source examples:

European Commission. 2020. Assessment in Vocational and Technical Upper Secondary Education.
Cauley, K., & McMillan, J. 2010. Formative assessment techniques to support student motivation and achievement. Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas. 83 (pages 1–6).
Feedback for Learning. 2022. Learning supportive formative assessment.
KARVI. 2021. Working life cooperation in Finnish VET. Retrieved from:
Oamk. 2023. Amending assessment. Retrieved from 2022. Competence assessment guidebook for the teacher. 2022. Work-based learning opens up possibilities. 2022. Competence demonstrations and competence assessment. 2020. ”Assessing learning at the workplace.”
OPH. 2022. Correcting the assessment in vocational education. Retrieved from:
Sambell, K., McDowell, L. & Montgomery, C. 2012. Assessment for Learning in Higher Education.

In addition, self-selected scientific source material.
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria Approved/Failed
Evaluation Criteria

see "Objectives"
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information The responsible teacher, Esa Virkkula, , tel. +358 50 360 4911

Basic instructions:
- approximately one A4 page for each answer
- Remember, 'Copy and Paste' shows only text copying skills, not understanding the topic in question. Do not copy.
- Add the references to the text and list them at the end of every answer.
Responsible persons Not applicable
Links Not applicable


Show old implementations
  • 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2024 (1P00BA45-3018 | OPE23, OPE22, OPE21)
  • 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2024 (1P00BA45-3017 | OPE23pte, OPE22pte, OPE21pte)
  • 01.06.2024 - 31.05.2025 (1P00BA45-3020 | OPE24pte, OPE23pte, OPE22pte, OPE24, OPE23, OPE22)
26.7.2024 18:26:58