Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja

Asiasana universities of applied sciences

Dutch Experience – A short-term exchange in Fontys University Blogi

10.11.2023 - Lohiniva Meija

Short-term exchanges are a great low-threshold option for an international experience. At best, one learns about different cultures and countries and boosts one’s personal and academic development. It can be thought-provoking, inspiring, and sometimes overwhelming. This blog post is an attempt to share some insights into our experience in the Netherlands – coffee shops and demand-...

Studying dental health care in OUAS – focus on practical training Blogi

27.9.2023 - Oinonen Meeri, Moglie Carolina, Paviglianiti Anna, Peeters Robbe, van Hoorde Louise

Oulu University of Applied Sciences' (OUAS) degree programme in dental health care had the opportunity to welcome four exchange students to Oulu in the spring of 2023. Here you will find a short description of the education of dental hygienists in Ghent, Oulu and Verona. We have also included some examples and notes on different ways to organize practical training, existing facilities...

PrinLab tour – A short introduction to OUAS printed intelligence laboratory Video

3.2.2022 - Määttä Harri

Because of restrictions in travelling and having meetings there is a need for virtual ways to tell people what we do and what are the possibilities we offer. For that reason we decided to make a video, kind of a virtual tour with narrative of our printed intelligence laboratory – PrinLab. With this video you can get to know PrinLab laboratory and its machinery even from your own sof...

Oamk Journal
Julkaisija Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
Päätoimittaja Tiina Kaksonen tiina.kaksonen@oamk.fi
ISSN 2737-0550


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