
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information

Professional Teacher Education (60 cr)

Educational Science 10
The unit familiarizes the student with the disciplines of educational science and professional education. The student gets perspectives and concepts for interpreting the phenomena of education and teaching. The student understands the importance of educational science in professional teacher's work.
Study year 1A 1S 2A 2S 3A 3S 4A 4S 5A 5S

Total credits / ECTS credits
Total credits / ECTS credits

1P00BU18 Kasvatustieteen perusopinnot (avoin yliopisto)                     10
1P00DT72 Basics of Educational Science (Oulu School of Professional Teacher Education)                     10
Higher Education Pedagogy 14
Higher Education Pedagogy introduces the students to the planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning process, as well as to the theoretical foundations of learning. Students become acquainted with communal, individual and student-oriented pedagogy. Students acquire the ability to design learning processes in which pedagogical models and digital pedagogy can be used. Students become acquainted with the importance of student care, accessibility, special support and guidance. Students become acquainted with the concept of pedagogical well-being. Students gain a strong foundation to work in a variety of teaching roles and develop their own personal theory of the use of teaching.
Study year 1A 1S 2A 2S 3A 3S 4A 4S 5A 5S

Total credits / ECTS credits
Total credits / ECTS credits

1P00DT73 Pedagogical Planning and Assessment Competence                     6
1P00DT74 Competence in Digital Pedagogy                     2
1P00DT75 Competence in Guidance and Special Pedagogy                     4
1P00DT76 Competence in Pedagogical Welfare                     2
Pedagogical Responsibility 11
Pedagogical responsibility introduces the students to the essential legislation concerning education and teaching, to the documents guiding the teacher's activities, and to the legal acts and regulations concerning the safety of teaching. The students become acquainted with the ethical values that guide the teacher's work, the concept of ecosocial civilization and acquires the ability to act in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The students become acquainted with the internationalization practices of the educational institution and the importance of multiculturalism in teaching. Responsibility pedagogy means a wide range of informational and practical skills, on the basis of which the students acquire a strong foundation in acting responsibly and professionally in their teaching and supervision.
Study year 1A 1S 2A 2S 3A 3S 4A 4S 5A 5S

Total credits / ECTS credits
Total credits / ECTS credits

1P00DT77 Competence in Legislation and Documents                     4
1P00DT78 Safety Competence                     1
1P00DT79 Competence in Eco-social Culture and Sustainable Future                     3
1P00DT80 Pedagogical Value Competence                     2
1P00DT81 International and Multicultural Competence                     1
Research and Developmental Pedagogy in Higher Education 5
Research and developmental pedagogy introduces students to the practices of research and development and project work in vocational and higher education, as well as to the importance of cooperation between the educational institution and working life. The students become acquainted with the importance of entrepreneurship education as part of a teacher's work.
Study year 1A 1S 2A 2S 3A 3S 4A 4S 5A 5S

Total credits / ECTS credits
Total credits / ECTS credits

1P00DT82 Competence in Research and Development                     2
1P00DT83 Competence in Working Life Cooperation and Entrepreneurship Education                     3
Teaching Practice 12
The aim of the teaching practise is to apply the students’ pedagogical knowledge and skills in practice. Students plan a teaching unit in their own substance field. Students teach and guide responsibly and professionally in the context of their own field in higher education. Students develop and demonstrate the competence required by the competence goals during the teaching practice.
Study year 1A 1S 2A 2S 3A 3S 4A 4S 5A 5S

Total credits / ECTS credits
Total credits / ECTS credits

1P00DT84 Teaching Practice                     12
Continuous Learning and Development as a Teacher 8
The students create a personal study plan (PSP) and reflect on their development as a teacher during their studies, using, among other things, self-assessment and feedback. The students reflect on their own competence and competence development needs in a personal development plan at the end of their studies. Students acquire new skills or strengthen their existing skills through optional courses.
Study year 1A 1S 2A 2S 3A 3S 4A 4S 5A 5S

Total credits / ECTS credits
Total credits / ECTS credits

1P00DT85 Development as a Professional Teacher and Expert in Pedagogy                     2
Optional Studies 6
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1P00BA79 How to Develop Vocational Education                     6
1P00EE59 Digiajan oppimaisema: tekoäly, tukiäly ja hybridityö opetuksen arjessa                     3
1P00DA04 Digi-Ekspertti                     3
1P00DA05 Digi-Kehittäjä                     5
1P00EE61 Esiintymistaidot osana ammattiosaamista                     3
1P00BN11 Erityispedagogiikkaa ammatilliseen koulutukseen                     6
1P00BT73 Henkilökohtaistamisesta näyttöihin ja osaamisen arviointiin                     6
1P00DT94 Inklusiiviset opintopolut                     5
1P00BA77 Working in an International Environment                     3
1P00CZ93 Korkeakoulupedagoginen osaaja                     3
1P00BA73 Quality Assurance in Educational Institution                     3
1P00BA45 Student Assessment as Part of Educational Practices                     3
1P00EO65 Pedagogical Management in an Educational Institution                     3
1P00CR48 Enhancing Competence in Professional Pedagogy                     6
1P00DT93 Syventävä yrittäjyyskasvatusosaaminen                     6
1P00CH23 Tekijänoikeudet ammatillisessa opetuksessa                     3
1P00BA81 The Basics of Information Seeking                     1
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