
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information


1P00BA73 Quality Assurance in Educational Institution (3 cr)
Prerequisites -
Objectives Competence goal:
The student is able to develop both a teacher's work and the educational institution's quality.

Assessment criteria:
- The student understands what factors makes a teacher's work high-quality.
- The student knows how to measure the quality of a teacher's work.
- The student understands the methods and goals for improving the quality of an institution's operations.
Content Aquarium exam questions

1. What quality means to a teacher's work?
2. What factors affect a teacher's work quality?
3. How does a teacher monitor their work quality?
4. How student assessment and teacher's work quality are connected?
5. How does a teacher's work quality emerges in students' learning?
6. How does working life in your professional field affect the quality of a teacher's work?
7. What kind of cooperation does the teacher have when developing the work quality?
8. What is the school toolkit for quality management?
9. How to measure quality in an educational institution?
10. How does the school benefit from a quality management system?
11. What are the main goals of quality management in vocational or higher education, and how can a teacher influence their realization?
12. How should the quality work of vocational education / higher education be developed?
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods Competence is demonstrated by an aquarium exam. You will first develop your knowledge of the teacher's work quality by familiarising yourself with the course literature and preparing the answers to the 12 questions of the exam. They have been drafted so that an acceptable answer always requires examining theoretical knowledge and practical examples.

When you have answered all questions, send an SMS (text message) exam request to the responsible teacher. The SMS must be sent at least 24 hours before the requested time. Preferably choose the office time (Mon to Fri from 9 am to 5 pm) as the exam time.

The aquarium exam's four questions will be sent to you by text message. You will return the exam responses to the teacher's email within two hours of the exam start.
Execution methods How to proceed:

1. Prepare the answers to all the questions in the aquarium exam (total 12). Use the references mentioned in the 'Materials' and/or any other reliable references of your choice.
According to the university's instructions, mark the references used in the text and list them at the end of each answer.

2. When you have prepared for the task (and have answers to all the requisite questions), send a text message to enrol to the teacher's phone at least 24 hours before the desired starting time.

a) Specify the date and time when you want to start the examination.
b) Mention the name of the study module.
c) Include your name and email.

3. You will get four exam questions on your phone by text message.
Note: There is no possibility of examination during the teacher's vacation (or other off periods) in summer.

4. You will email the exam questions to the teacher no later than two hours after receiving the questions. The title of the email should be 'Exam Answers 1P00BA73'.
The exam is assessed on a pass/fail scale.
Materials 1. Boyd, P., Hymer, B., & Lockney, K. 2015. Learning Teaching: Becoming an inspirational teacher. London: Critical Publishing.
2. Bridglall, B.L. 2013. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education : Studies of Three Student Development Programs. New York: Lexington. OAMK e-Books
3. Cedefop. 2019. Quality assurance. In VET in Finland. pp. 58–61. Retrieved from:
4. D'Andrea, V., & Gosling, D. 2005. Strategies to Enhance Teaching and Learning. In Improving Teaching and Learning : A Critical Approach. (pp. 191-206).
5. European Commission. 2023. Key features of the Finnish Education System.
6. European Commission. 2018. Quality assurance for school development.
7. Finnish National Agency for Education. 2018. "Quality Assurance National Reference Point."
8. LUT (Lappeenranta University of Technology). 2017. Quality Manual.
9. Nair, C.S., & Mertova, P. 2011. Student Feedback. London: Chandos Publishing.
OAMK e-Books
10. Schiro, M.S. 2013. Curriculum theory. Conflicting visions and enduring concerns. 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria Approved/Failed
Evaluation Criteria

See "Objectives"
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information The responsible teacher, Esa Virkkula, , tel. +358 50 360 4911

Other instructions:
- approximately one A4 page for each answer
- Add the references to the text and list them to the end of every answer.
- It is especially important to remember that copying answers directly from the source or an answer given by artificial intelligence (AI – ChatGPT or similar) does not demonstrate knowledge of the subject. So do not copy under any circumstances but discuss the matter with reference to sources and your experiences. Remember to attach source references to the text part of each answer and a list of used sources at the end!
Responsible persons Not applicable
Links Not applicable


Show old implementations
  • 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2024 (1P00BA73-3020 | OPE23, OPE22, OPE21)
  • 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2024 (1P00BA73-3019 | OPE23pte, VAI23S24K, OPE22pte, EXP23SPTE, OPE21pte, EXP24KPTE)
  • 01.06.2024 - 31.05.2025 (1P00BA73-3022 | OPE23pte, OPE24pte, OPE22pte, OPE24, OPE23, OPE22)
26.7.2024 18:26:58