
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information


AT00DW54 Dance Kinesiology (3 cr)
Prerequisites AT00DW52 Anatomy and Basics of Physical Training
Objectives I understand the diversity of optimal performance and the factors that affect it. I observe and analyze movement according to the terminology and principles of anatomy and dance kinesiology. I know the optimal kinesiological motion model and its deviations, and I know ways to steer toward optimal motion performance.
Content Dance kinesiology.
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods I demonstrate my competence through the learning tasks instructed in the course. Specify in the implementation plan.
Execution methods The primary method of implementation is defined in the implementation plan.
Materials Clippinger, K. Dance Anatomy and Kinesiolgy. Principles and Exercises for improving Technique and avoiding common Injuries.
Fitt, Sevey. Dance Kinesiology.
Calais-Germaine, B.&Lamotte, A. Anatomy of Movement-Exercises.
Greene-Haas, J. Dance Anatomy.
Sandström, M& Ahonen,J. Liikkuva ihminen-aivot, liikuntafysiologia ja sovellettu biomekaniikka.
Neumann, D.A. Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System.
Muscalino, J.E. Kinesiology. The Skeletal System and Muscle Function.
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria 0-5
Evaluation Criteria satisfactory (1-2)
I can outline the kinesiological principles of human musculoskeletal function. My analysis and guidance of movement is based on the most important principles of anatomy and dance kinesiology.

good (3-4)
I can appropriately describe kinesiological principles in human musculo-skeletal function. My analysis and direction of movement reflects the application of the principles of anatomy and dance kinesiology.

excellent (5)
I am able to describe a wide range of kinesiological principles in the functioning of the human musculoskeletal system. My analysis and direction of movement shows extensive anatomical and dance kinesiological reflection.
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information Not applicable
Responsible persons Anni Heikkinen
Links Not applicable


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  • 10.03.2025 - 12.05.2025 (AT00DW54-3001 | TAN23SP)
20.5.2024 12:49:27