Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja

Asiasana education and training

International nursing education with a strategic emphasis on sustainable health care Artikkeli

14.4.2023 - Cubelo Floro, Karttunen Markus

The Bachelor of Health Care, Degree Programme in Nursing is an international degree programme offered at Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk). The changing dynamics of the social and healthcare systems in the global society empower nurses of the contemporary world to become skilful, independent, and competitive. As Finnish healthcare is becoming multicultural, establishing a deg...

Nursing Perspective on the Interprofessional Co-operation in Breast Cancer Therapeutic Phase Artikkeli

22.12.2022 - Cubelo Floro, Hoffren Jaana, Marttila-Tornio Kaisa

The treatment of breast cancer patients requires interprofessional cooperation. Nurses play a vital role in contributing to the care of patients under breast cancer treatment. As the most predominant cancer in Europe among women, there is a need to reframe the curriculum in social and healthcare education that would improve and strengthen the competencies among healthcare professional...

VET Teachers’ Digital Pedagogical Competences in Latvia, Lithuania, and Portugal. Needs Analysis, Review Report and Recommendations for Continuous Education and Training Kokoomajulkaisu

13.6.2022 - Brauer Sanna, Mäenpää Kati (Eds.)

Digital Tools for Learning and Validation in VET and WBL: Training Program for VET Teachers, Trainers and Mentors (Dig4VET) is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET-project aimed to improve skills and competences of vocational teachers, trainers and mentors in using digital tools in education process. Main goal is to raise awareness of a variety of digital tools and technolog...

Oamk Journal
Julkaisija Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
Päätoimittaja Tiina Kaksonen tiina.kaksonen@oamk.fi
ISSN 2737-0550


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