Developing a Platform for Innovation Ecosystem


The project aims at strengthening the innovation work of SMEs in the healthcare sector by developing an Arctic platform to support the cross-border co-operation.

Our goal is to develop and implement a platform for ecosystem work that facilitates a strong cross-border network and model for sharing good practices. We target at organizing cross-border cooperation with the co-developed quadruple helix model, focusing on the development of new services and technologies and new business models and concepts for the healthcare and well-being sector.

We also aim at developing further the multi-layered innovation and technology innovation environments for small and medium-sized enterprises. Developing, testing, and validating new digital services and technologies is also part of our work.

By the end of the project, we have developed regional capacities for the creation of new innovations based on health information and identified recommendations information cooperation on the NACCOP platform.

Involving students in project activities is important goal throughout the project.


Project coordination and communication

Piia Hyvämäki
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Oulu University of Applied Sciences has the coordination responsibility of the project. Information of the project is shared through social media and the project website and in addition, the project process and results are shared through various channels, for example press releases, workshops, and newsletters.

Platform Development

Eija Hautala
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Development of the platform is performed in an inclusive process where actors from the quadruple helix model are invited to share and explore needs, values, dreams, and ideas, which will then influence the design of the new opportunities the platform should offer. The exploring process guides the development of the platform which should strengthen the innovativeness in the care and wellbeing sector, taking the strengths from the stakeholders' inputs as a starting point for design. 

Cross-border Activities

Mari Runardotter
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In this work package we will initiate and carry out cross-border activities on the platform. In collaboration with SMEs in the health sector, we will provide opportunities for the SMEs to develop their services, products, and innovations. We can offer the SMEs simulation milieus where they can develop, test, and train the use of tools that promote health and well-being as well as care at home. In addition, we will work with cross-border activities that include e.g., computer practices to support business innovation. Our idea is that new ideas and innovations grows in parallel with the platform, and that this results in mutual benefits. Also, in this way the platform evolves, and new offers will be implemented.


Mari Runardotter
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The platform and its development, as well as the activities carried out, will be evaluated during the project. Thus, we will evaluate the platform itself, the cross-border activities and the innovations that have been worked out and tested in the project (concepts, prototypes, digital services, or business models). For the evaluations we will rely on feedback from those who have participated, i.e., relevant stakeholders, project partners, SMEs, end users, etc. The evaluations will contribute with recommendations and suggestions for improvements of 1) the platform, 2) cross-border activities, and 3) concepts, prototypes, digital services, and business models. In the evaluations we specifically aim to respond to the needs, values, dreams, and ideas as expressed by participants and stakeholders involved the project.