
Tietoa koulutuksesta


7T00CI71 Art and Culture Promoting Well-being in Childhood (5 op)
Esitietovaatimukset Ensimmäisen vuoden opinnot ja A, B tai C.
Osaamistavoitteet The student can explain and analyse how art and culture based methods and applications promote well-being in childhood. The student can construct his/her understanding about arts and cultural education with children in different age groups. The student can relate the sociopedagogical and sociocultural orientation as his/her professional thinking. The student can analyze how arts and cultural studies can help and promote the growth and development of young people and engourage them to indetify their cultural identity and foster their creative potential. The student can identify different orientations of art education. The student can analyse various artistic operations and functions and their significance to young people. The students can produce culture in social inclusion with clients.
Sisältö Concepts of visual arts, music, literary art, media, theatre, dance and other forms culture. The signifigance of arts and cultural education in promoting well-being, creativity, skills and personal growth of children and youth. The goal-oriented artistic operations. Easthetic experiences and cross-cultural orientation and culture sensitive work orientation. The student can plan, execute, demonstate and evaluate goal-oriented art and culture based activities for children using different methods, materials and art forms.
Suositeltavat muut opinnot Tarpeen mukaan opiskelija ja opintojen ohjaaja käyvät läpi muut suositeltavat opinnot HOPS-keskusteluissa.
Suoritustavat Ei käytössä
Toteutustavat Ei käytössä
Oppimateriaalit Ei käytössä
Kurssikirjallisuus Ei käytössä
Arviointiasteikko 0-5
Arviointikehikot www.oamk.fi/opinto-opas/oj_arviointi.php?taso=3&kohde1=1&kohde2=2&kohde4=4#t3" class="shadowbox" rel="shadowbox">Arviointikehikko
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille Ei
Vastuuhenkilöt Ei käytössä
Linkit www.oamk.fi/opinto-opas/oj_arviointi.php?taso=3&kohde1=1&kohde2=2&kohde4=4#t3" class="shadowbox" rel="shadowbox">Arviointikehikko


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Tiedot haettu 8.5.2024 18:20:33