
Tietoa koulutuksesta
Max Seats
8 - 100
Evaluation Criteria
Language of Instruction
Type of Course
Avoin amk, Languages, Internationality and communication
Responsible Teacher
Marjo Heikkinen
Mode of Delivery
R&D Studies: 0.00 cr
Virtual Studies: 1.00 cr
Contact Teaching: 0 cr
Marjo Heikkinen
Smaller Group(s)
Avoin AMK

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment Methods and Criteria
Not applicable

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Material and study assignments in Moodle.

Location and time
The study module can be completed entirely online regardless of student's location by studying the provided materials and completing the learning assignments, according to the given schedule in the spring semester of 2024.

Learning environments
Not applicable

Recommended or Required Reading
All the necessary materials and links are in Moodle.

Further Information
Not applicable

Completion Alternatives
Not applicable

Marjo Heikkinen

Work Placement and Working Life Connections
Not applicable

Exam Schedule
The course does not have a written exam. The learning assignments must be completed to demonstrate competence.

International Connections
Not applicable

Student's Time Use and Workload
1 credit equals 27 h of student work.

Learning Progress
Not applicable

Evaluation criteria accepted
With my learning assignments I demonstrate that I am capable of taking into account cross-cultural differences in communication situations and understanding the origins of these differences.

Evaluation criteria failed
Not applicable

Tiedot haettu 2.6.2024 18:57:51