
Tietoa koulutuksesta
Max Seats
Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria
Language of Instruction
Finnish, English
Type of Course
Not applicable
Responsible Teacher
Not applicable
Mode of Delivery
R&D Studies: 0.00 cr
Virtual Studies: 0.00 cr
Contact Teaching: 5 cr
Pekka Ojala, Kristian Ratia, Tanja Kangas
Smaller Group(s)
Not applicable

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment Methods and Criteria
Not applicable

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Not applicable

Location and time
Not applicable

Learning environments
Not applicable

Recommended or Required Reading
Described in the implementation plan.

Further Information
Not applicable

Completion Alternatives
Not applicable

Pekka Ojala, Kristian Ratia, Tanja Kangas

Work Placement and Working Life Connections
Not applicable

Exam Schedule
Not applicable

International Connections
Not applicable

Student's Time Use and Workload
Not applicable

Learning Progress
Not applicable

Evaluation criteria accepted
I know the instructions and regulations concerning studying, the services and opportunities of the learning environment and I use them to support learning.
I draw up a personal study plan (PSP) and use it to plan and monitor the progress of my studies in order to graduate within the target time.
I draw up a personal career plan and take into account the opportunities for continuous learning and internationality in career planning. I analyse the specifics of my own professional field and employment opportunities.
I identify, evaluate and develop learning and professional development skills, strengths and working life skills during my studies.
I take cultural diversity into account and act responsibly, constructively and collaboratively in different study, work and interaction situations.
I recognize the effects of changing situations and the importance of motivation in relation to well-being at study and work.

Evaluation criteria failed
Not applicable

Tiedot haettu 13.6.2024 18:59:59