
Tietoa koulutuksesta
Max Seats
Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria
Language of Instruction
Type of Course
Avoin amk, Information Technology, English
Responsible Teacher
Not applicable
Mode of Delivery
R&D Studies: 0.00 cr
Virtual Studies: 0.00 cr
Contact Teaching: 3 cr
Johanna Talvensaari, Jonne Koivisto
Smaller Group(s)
Avoin amk, Tutkinto-opiskelijat

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment Methods and Criteria
Not applicable

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Lessons online/on-campus
Focus on verbal communication
Oral and written exercises, exercises in pairs and groups

Location and time
Zoom / lessons on campus
Course schedule in Moodle
Some meetings obligatory (oral assessment)

Learning environments
Not applicable

Recommended or Required Reading
Course material in Moodle

Further Information
Not applicable

Completion Alternatives
Not applicable

Johanna Talvensaari, Jonne Koivisto

Work Placement and Working Life Connections
Not applicable

Exam Schedule
Assessed tasks (listed in Moodle)

International Connections
Not applicable

Student's Time Use and Workload
3 ECTS = 3x27h

Learning Progress
Not applicable

Evaluation criteria accepted
1-2: satisfactory (1-2)
I identify differencies in communication between various working environment cultures.
I communicate on familiar working life topics independently and interactively.
I understand the main content of field-specific sources.
I change my action/ orientation/ my own activity/ behaviour based on the acquired feedback.
3-4: good (3-4)
I choose a mode of communication appropriate to the situation and justify my choice.
I communicate clearly and thoroughly/in detail required by working life.
I interpret and elaborate information from field-specific sources.
I evaluate my skills and describe my strengths and areas for development .
5: excellent (5)
I communicate fluently and stylistically appropriately in working life situations.
I can develop my professional skills by applying information from the most recent sources of my field.
I present well-founded solutions to develop my skills.

Evaluation criteria failed
Not applicable

Tiedot haettu 2.6.2024 18:47:20