
Tietoa koulutuksesta
Max Seats
20 - 80
Evaluation Criteria
Language of Instruction
Type of Course
Languages, Finnish
Responsible Teacher
Anna-Beata Koskelo
Mode of Delivery
R&D Studies: 0.00 cr
Virtual Studies: 0.00 cr
Contact Teaching: 3 cr
Anna-Beata Koskelo
Smaller Group(s)
Not applicable

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment Methods and Criteria
Course Exam.

The target level is A1.1 in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Contact teaching, learning assignments, pair and group work, independent work, working on the Moodle platform

Location and time
Teaching takes place at the Linnanmaa campus.

Learning environments
Not applicable

Recommended or Required Reading
The learning material will be described in more detail at the beginning of the teaching.

Further Information
Not applicable

Completion Alternatives
Not applicable

Anna-Beata Koskelo

Work Placement and Working Life Connections
Not applicable

Exam Schedule
Not applicable

International Connections
Not applicable

Student's Time Use and Workload
Not applicable

Learning Progress
Not applicable

Evaluation criteria accepted
1-2: satisfactory (1-2)
I can use most typical phrases in everyday context.
I recognize some typical differences between spoken and written language.
I recognize familiar words and phrases in text.
3-4: good (3-4)
I can express myself according to the model.
I can use both spoken and written Finnish in some most common everyday situations.
I can write and understand e.g. lists.
5: excellent (5)
I can participate a simple conversation.
I express willingness to learn or understand more about the differences between spoken and written Finnish.
I can produce simple sentences according to the model.

Evaluation criteria failed
Not applicable

Tiedot haettu 2.6.2024 18:53:47