
Tietoa koulutuksesta
Max Seats
Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria
Language of Instruction
Type of Course
Business, Accounting
Responsible Teacher
Not applicable
Mode of Delivery
R&D Studies: 0.00 cr
Virtual Studies: 0.00 cr
Contact Teaching: 5 cr
Yanhong Xi
Smaller Group(s)
Not applicable

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment Methods and Criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
- Knowledge: You know the key concepts within the course’s scope, but are yet to develop the general view and the big picture of the subject matter.
- Skills: - You can complete given tasks and assignments with assistance. You need to develop how to apply knowledge.
- Competence: You demonstrate some ability to perform skills and have basic knowledge, but you have difficulty managing without assistance
Assessment criteria - grade 3
- Knowledge: You know the key concepts well and can explain how the theories and models function and the tools are used. You have a general view of the subject matter.
- Skills: You complete given tasks and assignments independently. You apply knowledge in hands-on business-related situations. You can critique your own practice and identify ways to improve.
- Competence: You demonstrate sufficient ability to perform skills and have essential to good knowledge. You can perform independently, but you have some challenges in passing on your skills and knowledge to others. You have an interest in professional development.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
- Knowledge: You have a strong command of the key and related concepts. You can critically evaluate theories, models and tools. You can demonstrate explicit knowledge of the subject matter, and how it relates to other disciplines.
- Skills: You apply knowledge in demanding business related situations. You can prioritize and critically select tools and methods for solving complex problems in the subject matter.
- Competence: You execute skills with natural proficiency and you have detailed and explicit knowledge. You can perform independently and you are also able and actively willing to help others develop and pass on your skills. You have an attitude of continuous professional development.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Contact sessions.

Location and time
All information will be in Oiva.

Learning environments
Not applicable

Recommended or Required Reading
Course Materials are announced at the beginning of the implementation.

Further Information
Not applicable

Completion Alternatives
If you have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, you can show the competence with a demonstration and progress faster through your studies.

Yanhong Xi

Work Placement and Working Life Connections
Not applicable

Exam Schedule
The exam will be at the end of the course.

International Connections
Not applicable

Student's Time Use and Workload
Not applicable

Learning Progress
- financial statement analysis
- working capital
- variable and fixed costs
- cost-volume-profit analysis
- cost allocation
- budgeting
- investing appraisals

Evaluation criteria accepted
1-2: - Knowledge: You know the key concepts within the course’s scope, but are yet to develop the general view and the big picture of the subject matter.
- Skills: - You can complete given tasks and assignments with assistance. You need to develop how to apply knowledge.
- Competence: You demonstrate some ability to perform skills and have basic knowledge, but you have difficulty managing without assistance.
3-4: - Knowledge: You know the key concepts well and can explain how the theories and models function and the tools are used. You have a general view of the subject matter.
- Skills: You complete given tasks and assignments independently. You apply knowledge in hands-on business-related situations. You can critique your own practice and identify ways to improve.
- Competence: You demonstrate sufficient ability to perform skills and have basic to good knowledge. You can perform independently, but you have some challenges in passing on your skills and knowledge to others. You have an interest in professional development.
5: en
- Knowledge: You have a strong command of the key and related concepts. You can critically evaluate theories, models and tools. You can demonstrate explicit knowledge of the subject matter, and how it relates to other disciplines.
- Skills: You apply knowledge in demanding business-related situations. You can prioritize and critically select tools and methods for solving complex problems in the subject matter.
- Competence: You execute skills with natural proficiency and you have detailed and explicit knowledge. You can perform independently and you are also able and actively willing to help others develop and pass on your skills. You have an attitude of continuous professional development.

Evaluation criteria failed
If the basic requirements are not met.

Tiedot haettu 2.6.2024 18:54:47