
Tietoa koulutuksesta


YY00DX13 International Tutoring (5 op)
Esitietovaatimukset No prerequisites.
Osaamistavoitteet Student who participates in international tutoring can work in different situations where skills in interaction, performing and group guidance are needed. Student knows how to organize the tutoring of his or her tutoree group and plan timetables accordingly. Student can interact with people from different countries in English.
Sisältö Duties and responsibilities of a tutor, working as a tutor, interaction and performing skills, group guidance and counseling, understanding cultural diversity.
Suositeltavat muut opinnot Tarpeen mukaan opiskelija ja opintojen ohjaaja käyvät läpi muut suositeltavat opinnot HOPS-keskusteluissa.
Suoritustavat Ei käytössä
Toteutustavat Ei käytössä
Oppimateriaalit Ei käytössä
Kurssikirjallisuus Ei käytössä
Arviointiasteikko Hyväksytty/Hylätty
Arviointikehikot Ei käytössä
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille The course can be worth 3-5 credits.

The study diary and monthly report of tutor activities have to be returned to OSAKO´s responsible for International tutoring. This tutor representative recommends either pass or fail of the course to the study counsellor who is responsible for the registration of the study credits.

OSAKO´s Specialist in Tutoring and Education recommends to give 3 cr of the course, if the student has worked as tutor for one academic year.

Osako´s responsible for International tutoring recommends to give 5 cr from this course, if you have been an international tutor for at least two years, or you have been a well-being tutor or digitutor for one academic year in addition to international tutoring, or if you have been both degree and exchange tutor.
Vastuuhenkilöt Ei käytössä
Linkit Ei käytössä


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Tiedot haettu 2.6.2024 18:57:50