
Tietoa koulutuksesta


KM00DT90 Data Structures and Algorithms (5 cr)
Prerequisites Not applicable
Objectives The student can analyze the efficiency of data structures and algorithms and apply this knowledge to select the best tools for solving particular programming problems in a common programming language.
Content Basic data structures, recursion, trees and graphs, sorting and searching, algorithm analysis and performance, and common data representation formats.
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods Not applicable
Execution methods Not applicable
Materials Not applicable
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria satisfactory (1-2)
I know what type of algorithmic solutions work for which programming problems.
I am able to utilize common data structures, data formats and basic algorithms in programs.

good (3-4)
I can design and write solutions in programs using well-known algorithms.
I know how to analyze the performance of different algorithms.

excellent (5)
I am able to design and write solutions for programming problems using complex algorithms.
I am able to analyze and compare the performance of different solutions.
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information Not applicable
Responsible persons Not applicable
Links Not applicable


Show old implementations
  • 08.01.2024 - 03.03.2024 (KM00DT90-3002 | VAI23S24K, DPM24KYTEKN, EXN24KDAPMHNU, DPD23SYTIK, DPD23SYTEKN, EXN23S24KDDMDAPMHNU, DPM24KYTIK)
2.6.2024 18:53:06