
Tietoa koulutuksesta


K1037IB Doing Business in Asia (3 cr)
Prerequisites Not applicable
Objectives This course aims to equip students with a knowledge of the contemporary business environment in Asia. After this course, students have acquired the ability to demostrate what cultural diversity, economic development and economic potential mean in the Asian context and how do these impact the firms seeking to undertake business there.
Content Asian business cultures, economic history, economic trends and integration, Asian way of conducting business.
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods Not applicable
Execution methods Not applicable
Materials Not applicable
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria satisfactory (1-2)
You are able to: display his/her familiarity with professional knowledge in the field; justify your actions with professional knowledge; seek information in diverse information sources; carry out different kinds of duties in different operational environments; participate in group work and bring your own expertise to benefit the group; display your familiarity with the most important safety practices in the professional field; act according to ethical principles.

good (3-4)
You are able to: use professional terminology consistently; critically evaluate the information sources you have used; seek information at each stage of the information acquisition process; apply your professional expertise in different work tasks; act independently and responsibly in a professional situation requiring consideration for a target group; act towards reaching a common goal in a work group; plan your activity, taking into account safety issues; display your familiarity with the ethical principles of the professional field.

excellent (5)
You are able to: use professional terminology expertly; justify the use of information sources; justify your actions with scientific knowledge; act in complicated or unforeseen situations at work; organize and lead the activity of a group; act in a responsible manner, taking into account safety issues; justify your activity in accordance with the ethical principles of your professional field.
Assessment Frameworks Arviointikehikko
Further Information Not applicable
Responsible persons Not applicable
Links Arviointikehikko


Show old implementations
  • 30.10.2023 - 22.12.2023 (K1037IB-3008 | VAI23S24K, EXK23SBUS, VAP-LIIKE23)
2.6.2024 18:30:38