
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information


OE00DX53 Leadership in Prehospital Emergency Care and Cooperation with Authorities (6 cr)
Prerequisites Successfully completed (or equivalent competence):
- All courses in basic level prehospital emergency care studies and proficiency examination in basic level prehospital emergency care (includes pre-requisites for the courses)
- Accident and Emergency Care 5 cr (includes pre-requisites for the course)
Objectives The student
1) knows the co-operation with authorities, multi-professional partners, services, practices and management responsibilities of the emergency care service and the ways in which social and health services are organised.
2) understands the costs, impact and effectiveness of organisational activities and service delivery.
3) acts as a paramedic in day-to-day, special, multi-patient and major accident situations.
4) understands the importance of preparedness, readiness, service levels and strategy in emergency care.
Content Health and social services in Finland. On-call social and health services (out- and in-of-hospital emergency care, emergency social services, FinnHEMS)
Cooperation with the authorities (police, rescue departments, emergency response centre, border guards and defence forces)
Daily, special and major emergency situations (L4-L5 activities)
Communication with the authorities
Occupational safety in emergency care services
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods The student will demonstrate his/her knowledge of the subject through discussions in lectures and webinars, learning assignments and exams.
The student will demonstrate his/her competence by actively participating in simulation exercises in different roles and tasks in multi-patient and major accident exercises.
Execution methods The student actively participates in lectures and webinars through discussion.
The student develops the skills through course assignments.
The student actively participates in simulations in different roles in multi-patient and major accident exercises.
The student prepares carefully for the exam and demonstrates his/her theoretical knowledge in the exam.
Materials The detailed list of course materials can be found in the Moodle platform.
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria 0-5
Evaluation Criteria satisfactory (1-2)
The student
- knows social and health services, their policies and administrative responsibilities regionally and nationally.
- knows the organisation of the primary care service and the multidisciplinary partners in the authorities,
- acts in a guided manner in different roles in daily and special emergency situations and in liaising with the authorities
- understands the leadership and subordinate roles in multi-patient and major emergency situations in different sectors and related leadership relationships
- understands the importance of ensuring safety in emergency situations.
- justifies emergency preparedness, the importance of preparedness, service levels and strategy.

good (3-4)
The student
- knows social and health services, their policies and management responsibilities regionally and nationally
- analyses the services, policies and management responsibilities of the emergency services and collaborating authorities
- acts independently in different roles in daily and special emergency situations and in communication with the authorities
- in multi-patient and major emergency situations, performs managerial and subordinate functions in different sectors and understands the associated managerial relationships
- identifies factors affecting the safety of the emergency situation and the most common means of ensuring the safety of the emergency situation
- analyses and develops with others emergency preparedness, readiness, service levels and compares different strategies

excellent (5)
The student
- analyses social and health services, their practices and management responsibilities regionally and at national level
- analyses the services, practices and management responsibilities of emergency services and collaborating authorities, and considers ideas for improvement
- analyses and reflects on his/her own performance in different roles in day-to-day and specific emergency care situations and independently manages communication with authorities
- applies his/her performance in changing circumstances and in different roles when operating in multi-patient and major emergency situations in managerial and subordinate positions in different sectors. Justifies the related leadership relationships.
- analyses factors affecting safety in emergency situations and solutions to ensure safety
- analyses and develops with others emergency care preparedness, readiness, service levels and compares different strategies
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information No further information
Responsible persons Veijo Malvalehto, Petri Roivainen
Links Not applicable


No implementations.

20.5.2024 14:52:11