
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information


OS00DX25 Clinical Nursing Skills 1 (4 cr)
Prerequisites Not applicable
Objectives - I can assess the patient's basic needs using different monitoring and observation methods

- I can make nursing decisions related to the patient's basic needs and help the patient through nursing, using evidence-based nursing methods
Content - Assisting the patient with hygiene care and elimination
- Monitoring skin condition and pressure ulcer prevention
- Examining the patient according to ABCDE protocol and monitoring vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiration, temperature, pain and consciousness)
- Nutrition and fluid balance
- Collection of samples (haemoglobin, blood glucose, urine, stool, throat)
- Principles of emergency first aid and basic resuscitation
- Care of the dying patient
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods Not applicable
Execution methods Not applicable
Materials Not applicable
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria Approved/Failed
Evaluation Criteria

- I understand the key principles of aseptic and can take them into account in care situations
- I understand the principles of ergonomics as part of patient safety and occupational safety and can act in an ergonomic manner in care situations
- I can assist the patient in daily activities
- I can examine the patient's ABCDE according to the protocol and monitor the patient's vital signs
- I know the principles of basic resuscitation and defibrillation, and I know how to perform emergency first aid
- I can structure and write a patient care record according to the steps of the nursing decision-making process
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information Not applicable
Responsible persons Mari Vihelä, Suvi Penttilä-Sirkka
Links Not applicable


Show old implementations
  • 07.08.2023 - 19.11.2023 (OS00DX25-3001 | OHS23SM)
  • 01.01.2024 - 14.04.2024 (OS00DX25-3002 | OHS24KM)
2.6.2024 18:59:42