
Curriculum Table
Assessment Framework
General Information


TK00DL95 Vehicle Technology Construction Systems 1 (5 cr)
Prerequisites Not applicable
Objectives You understand the basics of automotive electrical engineering.
You are able to determine the technical structure of the vehicle powertrain system.
You are able to carry out a motion study of a vehicle in accelerating motion.
Content Basics of automotive electrical engineering (1 ECTS)
Powertrain systems (2ECTS)
Motion study (2ECTS)
Experimental measurements in the automotive laboratory are included in all sections
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods Not applicable
Execution methods Not applicable
Materials Not applicable
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria 0-5
Evaluation Criteria satisfactory (1-2)
Understand basic definitions in electrical engineering and basic laws of electrical engineering.
Identifies basic components related to vehicle powertrain systems.
Forces affecting the vehicle in steady and accelerating motion.

good (3-4)
Apply the basic definitions and laws of electrical engineering in automotive electrical engineering.
Define the technical principles related to the vehicle powertrain systems.
Mathematical model of driving resistance and traction forces at different stages of the motion study.

excellent (5)
Explain and justify solutions used in automotive electrical engineering in terms of electrical engineering.
Analyze and compares the effects of different powertrain systems on vehicle characteristics.
Vehicle performance in accelerating and variable driving conditions.
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information Not applicable
Responsible persons Not applicable
Links Not applicable


Show old implementations
  • 01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023 (TK00DL95-3001 | AVO22S23KOamkHighway)
  • 01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023 (TK00DL95-3002 | KTO22SP3)
  • 31.12.2023 - 31.05.2024 (TK00DL95-3003 | AVO23S24KOamkHighway)
2.6.2024 18:54:31