
Curriculum Table
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General Information

Degree Programme in Business Information Systems

Credits: 210
Type: Bachelor's Degree
Degree Programme: Degree Programme in Business Information Systems
Title: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

The bachelor of business administration (BBA) from the degree programme in business information systems will have versatile ICT knowledge and skills including programming skills and ability top development digital products and services for business organisations.

Examples of digital products and services are games, company web-sites, e-commerce sites and services, social media applications, mobile services and IoT-technology based services. Project type of working and the newest frontend-technologies are used for developing digital products and services. Planning, implementing and testing interactive web-services will be practiced, and the students will work in different roles in the study projects. The business and marketing studies and social media studies enable the students to apply also these skills for business operations.

The studies are paced in sequential modules where first some new knowledge and skills are learned and then put into practice in various projects.

The graduates can work in various positions within the ICT field. All professions are requiring skills for logical thinking and problem solving. Also team working and communication skills both in Finnish and English are important. The second study year is studied in English language and then the student group has also international exchange and double-degree students.

The studies include 30 cr professional training in work life, 12 cr bachelor's thesis and work-life originating projects. The student can specialize according personal wishes through free choice studies, projects, professional training and the thesis. Special fields can be for example frontend, e-commerce, games and testing.

The student can take part in international student exchange. On top of normal student exchange, the students will also have the possibility to get a double-degree by studying the third academic year in Neu-Ulm, Germany. In Neu-Ulm University the orientation of studies is information management and corporate communication, and the studying language is English.

2.6.2024 19:03:27