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YY00EM66 English for Agriculture (3 cr)
Prerequisites Upper secondary level or comparable English language skills (CEFR B1).
Objectives I understand and can interpret written and oral materials in the field. I am able to describe operation environment, production lines and production processes of farms. I can communicate in agriculture related oral and written communication situations.
Language proficiency level: CEFR B2.1
Content Agriculture related oral and written communication situations. Information search from English sources. Activating the use of vocabulary: agriculture in Finland, different production lines, farm forestry and environment.
Recommended optional programme components If necessary, the student advisor will recommend optional programme components for each student based on their individual study plan.
Accomplishment methods Online course
Execution methods Online course
Materials Online material
Literature Not applicable
Evaluation Criteria Approved/Failed
Evaluation Criteria

I can act and participate in discussions, understand the details and also give opinions and comment on them. My use of vocabulary is fluent and pronunciation is understandable.
My written expression is clear and comprehensible. I use vocabulary typical in the field.
Assessment Frameworks Not applicable
Further Information Not applicable
Responsible persons Not applicable
Links Not applicable


Show old implementations
  • 15.01.2024 - 30.04.2024 (YY00EM66-3001 | MAA22SP, MAA24KM, YHT24K, MAA24SP, MAA21SP, MAA23SP, MAA22KM, AVO24K, VAY23S)
  • 13.01.2025 - 29.04.2025 (YY00EM66-3004 | VAY24S, VAI24S25K, EXY25KCOS)
26.7.2024 18:37:44