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Katso Oamkin virtuaalisesti järjestetyt tapahtumat


Experimental electronic music concert with 3D sound at Cross media studio Tue 17.10. at 4 pm

Published: 13 October 2023 at 08:00

Jussi Tuohino, Senior Lecturer in Music Technology from Oamk, will perform at Cross media studio (7B129) on Tuesday 17.10.2023 starting at 4 pm. The concert will showcase two interesting technologies: modular sound synthesis and 3D sound reproduction in a hemispherical sound field. The sound system is put together by Mikko Bergström.

In 2023, Oamk's music pedagogy degree program has invested in versatile modular synthesizers that can be used to create new kinds of sounds by patching together separate modules that produce and modify sound. 3D sound reproduction is implemented with the 14-speaker Ambisonic sound system, which allows sound sources to be freely positioned around the listener at desired points. According to the information available, the concert can be considered the first Ambisonic concert in Oulu.

The concert is likely to last about half an hour, and the creators will be available for discussion after the actual performance. The performance space can accommodate about 30 people and the best seats in terms of sound reproduction much less, so it is advisable to arrive on time. Welcome!

Experimental electronic music concert with 3D sound at Cross media studio Tue 17.10. at 4 pm

Published: 13 October 2023 at 08:00

Jussi Tuohino, Senior Lecturer in Music Technology from Oamk, will perform at Cross media studio (7B129) on Tuesday 17.10.2023 starting at 4 pm. The concert will showcase two interesting technologies: modular sound synthesis and 3D sound reproduction in a hemispherical sound field. The sound system is put together by Mikko Bergström.

In 2023, Oamk's music pedagogy degree program has invested in versatile modular synthesizers that can be used to create new kinds of sounds by patching together separate modules that produce and modify sound. 3D sound reproduction is implemented with the 14-speaker Ambisonic sound system, which allows sound sources to be freely positioned around the listener at desired points. According to the information available, the concert can be considered the first Ambisonic concert in Oulu.

The concert is likely to last about half an hour, and the creators will be available for discussion after the actual performance. The performance space can accommodate about 30 people and the best seats in terms of sound reproduction much less, so it is advisable to arrive on time. Welcome!