Name of the service Project, MILAVA Man, child and parenthood
Data controller (liable organisation) Oulun Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
Y-tunnus 2509747-8
PL 222, 90101 OULU
Contact information Juha Alakulppi,
Data Protection Officer (DPO) Ulla Virranniemi,
The purposes of processing the personal data The registration information is collected by the ELY-center, which finances the project and monitors the project's progress based on the registration information.
Automated decision-making or profiling based on personal data Not done.
Personal data used in the service At the time of starting: Personal and contact information, start date, highest education level, labor market position at the time of starting and duration of unemployment, if you are unemployed at the time of starting
At the time of termination: date of termination, labor market position at the time of termination, and information on the completion of a possible degree or professional qualification thanks to the project.
As well as contact information, so that the project can be implemented and the participant can be contacted. The system can also send automatic messages to the participant's email address.
Data sources The registrants themselves give.
Data processors (roles that can access the data) Oamk's, Diakonia-AMK`s, Kajaani AMK`s, Lapin AMK`s and Oulun ylopistn`s project staff who collect the forms and deliver them further. Ely center.
Transfers of personal data to other services (both inside OUAS and to other services inside the EU) The information from Oamk, Diakonia AMK, Kajaanin AMK, Lapin AMK and Oulun u´yliopisto is transferred to the Ely- center. For other services, information is reported only at the sum level.
Data retention period (how long the data will be kept) The information is stored according to the need defined by the project sponsor.
International data transfers outside the EU or the EEA Personal data is not transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.
Individual rights
  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to object
  • Right to data portability
Basis for processing personal data
  • Legal obligation